Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This morning's devotional

I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions. I guess, the main reason being, setting goals for a whole year, well...some work and some do not. So, for the past probably 10 yrs or so instead of making resolutions, I turn my goals into prayers and make a small list that I pray for daily (or at least try to). I find when I commit things to the Lord instead of reasoning with myself, I get a lot further : ) My dad, every year, has our whole family sit down and he asks us, "if there is one prayer request you would want me to pray for you everyday this year, what would it be?" This has been something our family has done for years and we go around and say what our main prayer request would be for the year. This keeps our family accountable for praying for each other daily. I love it! So, by doing this, it has helped me turn my personal goals into prayers for the year. It doesn't seem so overwhelming when you are asking the Lord to help you. After all, is anything possible without Him? I do not think so.
Anyway, I downloaded a Charles Swindoll devotional off of Kindle this morning...it's one of those 365 day devotionals and I read the past 2 weeks devotionals to get myself caught up. Of course, one of the beginning devotionals was talking about New Year's resolutions, etc. Swindoll suggested that we take a look at Moses'goals in Exodus 20:3-17 as well as Peter in 2 Peter 1:5-8. Bare with me because I believe, if anything, it could serve as a reminder and perhaps some prayers for ALL of us!
In Exodus 20:3-17 (paraphrased)
Don't ever place substitute gods before the Lord your God. Don't make an idol of anyone or anything. Don't take the Lord's name in vain. It is holy. Remember to observe Sabbath rest every week. Honor and respect your mom and dad. Don't murder anyone for any reason. Never, ever commit adultery. Don't take things that aren't yours. Never lie or give false impressions. Don't covet another person's mate, benefits or belongings.
In Peter 1:5-8(paraphrased)
Be a diligent person. Do not waiver in your faith. Be known for uncompromising moral excellence. Enlarge your resevoir of knowledge;keep learning. Stay balanced; guard against extremes. Perservere. Make sure your godliness is free of hypocrisy. Treat others tactfully and graciously. Let your Christian love flow, let it flow, let it flow.
Charles Swindoll concludes by saying, " If you follow these list, two things are certain
1) You won't be the same person as last year. 2) You will never be bored."
Happy New Year...hope it is the best yet!


  1. Good idea. I posted resolutions for fun since so many were doing it. I did come up with goals for the year, but I won't put those on the internet.

  2. I loved reading this. Thank you, Nikki! Can't wait for lunch on Friday! Love ya!

  3. So glad you're back to blogging! :)
