Monday, May 2, 2011

Disney through different eyes...

Well, many of you know that my husband is an do I say this???? DISNEY FREAK! So, most of our vacations are spent there, in which I am completely fine with. I had been to Disney once when I was younger, so my husband has opened my eyes to a whole new world of creativity, yummy food and shear madness of crowds.  I have grown to respect the "World of Disney" in ways I never thought imaginable. I used to ask Scotty( back in the day when I couldn't completely understand his obsession with this place), "Is it Mickey that you love so much?" He response, "No, is the fact that the creativity that lies within the walls is limitless." From then on I have tried to look through his eyes, past the madness of crowds and non-English speaking people, etc into his world of creativity and how it truly uplifts him. Yes folks, I am learning to grasp it myself. It has been a process, but as much as I hate to admit it, that place is completely growing on me~ there I said it! But, dear husband, if you are reading doesn't mean that, can read my mind!!!! haha! It truly is a magical place. I have grown to love it even more because I see how much my husband loves it~ The sky is the limit without a doubt~ plus, he totally and completely spoils me while I am there, so it is no wonder I have grown to love the place : )  Anyway,  my sister and her family planned a trip to Disney the same week  so I was able to experience Disney through a child's eyes~ Scotty and I giggled and laughed the whole time at their expressions when they met the characters, when they road the rides, when they bought was such a fun experience! They were as good as gold which helped the day be even better.
Here are a couple of pictures of our time. I didn't take very many because I don't like carrying my phone while in the park(s), but the day we met up with my sister's family, I took a couple.
If you are ever looking to book a trip to Disney and don't know where to start and need some advice, please call! Our rate is not too terribly expensive : ) If you would like to take it one step further and hire a Disney Tour guide, we would love it! haha! Seriously, my husband is the best and will give you facts about that place that you would never hear otherwise. Every time we go, I learn something new from him and they are not corny facts. They are extremely interesting~
Hope you all have a fantastic week-


  1. Glad you had fun! I have only been to Disney once and I was six so it's been a long time.

  2. Everytime I hear about you guys going to Disney, I get SOOOO jealous. I want to experience it. And I'm sad that I didn't get to see it when I was a child.

  3. Love it! One of these days, I'd love to take our family. When the little girls are older & potty-trained, that is :)
