Sunday, February 5, 2012

I am so...

NOT GOOD AT BLOGGING! I thought maybe I would make more of a habit of it, but as you can see, that has not happened. Can't tell you the number of times I begin to blog something and then I just stop. But to bring you up to date just a bit,  we are opening the show, "Where the Wild Things Are" this Tuesday. We will perform for school children for three mornings and then one evening show. I am a goat. Yep...played many things in my life, but never a goat. That's the glory of acting! Most everyone in the cast made their own "puppet." We are inside of the puppet and it is pretty amazing. I, however, did not make mine. Everett Wright pretty much made the whole thing, while my husband did his magic of dressing it up. I, of course, added sequence on the goat's horns and that was it. What??? Don't judge me. The goat needed some sequence, ok? I mean, doesn't it make complete sense that a goat would have sequence? Geez people. I can't believe you would even question that!?!  Really, come see it if you are in the area. It is a great little show!

Big news on my end...I have found some motivation to begin exercising again. Been exercising for 8 years and all of the sudden just stopped back in August. BHAM-just flew out the window. But, I am coming back so I no longer feel like... (the cow on the left just in case you were wondering) but just in the past week since I have started back...AAAHHHHHH! I can smell the flowers that aren't blooming, hear the birds that aren't chirping, see the sunshine that is not shining. Life is good! Ha!

On a more serious note, I am so grateful for the Lord's faithfulness. I have been reminded during some prayer time lately that "His mercies are new every morning." (Lamentations 3:22-23) Thank goodness for that. As simple as the scripture sounds, as many times as I have heard it, it really is an amazing thing to think that because He loves us so much, His mercies are new. Despite what yesterday held and the stupid mistakes we made, today is a fresh start. Stop and think about that for a minute. IT IS AMAZING!
Hope you all have a wonderful week and may you be reminded, "His mercies are new, every morning!"

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