Friday, July 29, 2011

Narnia August 4-7, 2011

You HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE to come see this show! Did I mention you HAVE to come? The costumes and scenery will seriously blow you away! Everything made from scratch. Yep, that is my ingenious husband along with his talented team. Please's worth your time and the inexpensive ticket! : )

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A reminder~

I was given a huge reminder this morning from David Kubal, President of Intercessors for America, as he spoke at a conference at The Inn over the weekend, and was reminded of the importance of praying for our nation. I get so complacent sometimes in my own little world. I know I don't pray for this nation as I should. He brought about a really great point that sometimes we sit back and wait for our leaders to make the changes, our mentality is sometimes, "well God, you are going to do what you are going to do anyway, so why should it matter?" In all actuality, of course God is going to do what He wants to do. He is God. But, he depends on His people and often requires us to make the move. Not our leaders (duh, they sure as heck don't have my dependency), but us! I wish I could write  just as he spoke , but it made me really look at my own life and ask myself, " Am I really taking the time to ask God how to not only pray for this nation, but what steps can I take to help save America?" Sure I pray this for country....I pray for His mercy and so on and so forth. But in each of us, God is waiting to unlock or perhaps reveal to us what our purpose is to help save America. I can't help but think there is something stirring inside of me that doesn't want to give up on this great nation. We have come too far to let it go and when it is all said and done, it is my responsibility that I do my part. No matter how small or how great, I have an obligation and by golly, I have got to own up to it!
Here is a quick video that puts the challenge before us. Thought it would be a good time to post as we are getting ready to celebrate the birth of our America!
Hope your have a wonderful 4th and pray the Lord will reveal to you what your purpose is in helping  save "Our America!"

Friday, July 1, 2011

I love the beach because...

Perhaps it's because we can stay in the pool as long as we want~
Or maybe it's because of the celebrations we have and can sing songs as loud as we want~

Perhaps it's our long walks we take in the evenings holding hands, singing, searching for clues, or just watching the guys play bocce ball till dark falls~

It could be because there are sisters, who are just sisters...laughing like there is no one else in the world~
Or the newly weds gazing into each other eyes (haha-cheesey, but precious)
Or maybe it's the slumber parties we have with our "silly drinks~"

But perhaps most of all it's because it's our little paradise~
And there are quiet moments to listen to this~

But best of all...we are just all together. Well, for the most part. The saddest part is he isn't there and I missed him like crazy. But maybe another year : (